In addition to bongs, vapes, and e-nails, dabbing is one of the most popular ways to consume concentrates, and at the center of every dab rig is a torch lighter to heat your banger. Most experienced dabbers use a high-quality refillable butane dab torch but why? In this blog post, we'll look at the quintessential dab tool - the butane torch lighter, how to use it safely, and what t. . .
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Dab Torches

In addition to bongs, vapes, and e-nails, dabbing is one of the most popular ways to consume concentrates, and at the center of every dab rig is a torch lighter to heat your banger. Most experienced dabbers use a high-quality refillable butane dab torch but why? In this blog post, we'll look at the quintessential dab tool - the butane torch lighter, how to use it safely, and what t. . .
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