2021 Daily High Club's Top Women Influencers - Daily High Club

2021 Daily High Club's Top Women Influencers


Top Women Influencers and Content Creators

March is Women's History Month and we love celebrating Daily High Club's leading ladies! We have worked with some serious rockstars and collaborators over the years. You are highly encouraged to check out some of these bomb ladies for some sage advice, cool reviews and giggle-inducing antics. Whether you're looking for cannabis reviews, entertainment or education - these are some bad ass bosses in the space that will have all that covered and more!

Koala Puffs

koala puffs

We have worked with Koala Puffs for years now and still can't get enough of her positive vibes and go-getter attitude. If you're looking for productive stoner inspiration, this is a woman you need to go follow! We collaborate with her on some of our now fan-favorite glass and most watched videos. Koala has done a lot for our community, too! From beach clean ups to raising thousands for others during various times of need, she has proven herself to be a support system to cannabis enthusiasts around the world. 


lunita baked turkey bong

Lunita is a passionate advocate in the cannabis community. She raises the voices of others and uplifts people who can relate to what she puts out. Lunita is a healer first and foremost and sheds light on the stigma around the plant. Mental Health is something she is passionate about and helps others find meaningful ways of healing. If you are looking for a spiritual and intentional human to follow in the cannabis space, we absolutely support giving Lunita a follow! 

Kimmy Tan

DHC Women Influencers Kimmy Tan
Kimmy Tan is a one-stop shop for all things art, from tattoos (and tattooing herself!), to music, smoking supplies, make-up and straight up real talk. You’ve got to check out today’s video where her boyfriend tries to smoke and do her makeup. Hilarious.

Kitty Kates

DHC Women Influencers Kitty Kates
Never have we seen someone who can do make-up tutorials to match the smoking supplies and water pipes they’re using. It’s super innovative when it comes to smoking and make-up Youtube videos. She also does something called a dick wing, which you literally have to see to believe!

Life Being Dest

DHC Women Influencers Life being Dest
While she recently had to move away from her OG channel, you can find her on Life Being Dest Vlogs where her personal tell-alls and message of positivity will have you simultaneously swarmed with feels and giggles.

Macdizzle 420

DHC Women Influencers Macdizzle
DHC loved working with Mac in the past; she’s outrageous and funny and her instagram is full of equally outrageous smoking antics that will have you rolling on the floor.

Positive Smash 420

DHC Women Influencers Positive Smash
We love all of her videos, from DHC box reviews to recipe testing and sibling smoke sessions. Positive Smash 420 never disappoints!

Silenced Hippie

Silenced Hippie DHC Women Influencers
Silenced Hippie loved our Tommy Chong collaboration steamroller! Did you get a chance to see her old school Tommy Chong albums in her video? She knows smoking supplies!

Wolfie from Wolfiememes

DHC WOmen Influencers Wolfie Wolfiememes
Comedian and smoker, this girl has a wicked talent for turning all of your smoker thoughts into memes and gifs that will have you cracking the eff up as you scroll through her insta and twitter. For even more hilarity give her podcast “itsthebudd” a listen. It will not disappoint.

Women Grow

When DHC was on the east coast, we sponsored multiple events with Women Grow. Inclusion is the name of the game, and this amazing organization does everything it can to aid those starting out in the industry, as well as foster the unity of those already in it. Nothing but good relationships and ventures come from this stellar group.
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How did they all get so many followers??! What’s the trick?


Love the shit out of all of them. They are all awsome as hell I live in western pa. And I wish I could do what they do. But Pennsylvania will be last to legalize it


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