Best Bongs in 2022: A Guide For Bong Users - Daily High Club

Best Bongs in 2022: A Guide For Bong Users

By Carl Rogers

There’s no need to stumble around on the Internet looking for the best bongs or the thickest glass or the most original designs. We’ve got what you need right here. 

Once upon a time, bongs were a secretive industry — a tool that you probably would have stashed in your cabinet or disguised as a vase to hide it from your dinner guests. But those days are long gone.

As the semi-legal cannabis industry continues to thrive, the bong is emerging as a force to be reckoned with. Today, there’s a whole range of different types of bongs available for sale. 


best bongs


In case you’re a bong beginner, a bong (also known as a water pipe) is a portable smoking device. While they can be made of different materials like silicone or acrylic, the most common type is borosilicate glass.

With its portability, flavor, smoothness, intensity, and gentle-on-the-lungs hit, it’s easy to fall in love with everything the bong has to offer. 

That being said, not all bongs are created equally. The market is flooded with all kinds of average, low-grade bongs. Whether you’re looking for something slick and portable for everyday use or something unique to add to your collection, we’ve outlined top-quality pieces to match all your bong needs. 

Are you ready to up your bong game? Let’s do it.

A Small Bong For Your Everyday Travels

As the cannabis industry grows, so does the bong market. With thousands of available types, sizes, and designs, it’s hard to narrow things down to the best water pipes on the market. 

To help you on your journey, our team of bong enthusiasts has collected a list of only the finest bongs. From the simple and minimalistic to the artistic and unique, we’ve got the coolest bongs to add to your collection. 

If you’re on the hunt for a high-quality small bong for everyday use, look no further. Here’s the complete guide to the best bongs of 2022.

Pretty Bongs on The Road

A bong isn’t just a smoking tool. It’s something that reflects your personality and style. From eye-catching color to unique design, you want something that matches your personal aesthetic — and is easy to take with you on the road. 


best bong


Diamond Glass Hotdog Sphere‌

With soft pink or green accents and a simple diamond logo, the Diamond Glass Hotdog Sphere stands at 6 inches, making it easy to stash in your backpack on the go. With a reinforced 14mm female joint, this small bong matches the best of both worlds: minimalist beauty and practicality. 


coolest bongs


Bell Flower Implosion Bong‌

Another option for our flower lovers is the Bell Flower Implosion Bong. With a stunning blue flower at the bottom, this small pretty bong is perfect for someone who wants something simple, yet artistic. This 8-inch bong is certainly attractive, but it doesn’t sacrifice function either.

Unique Bongs To Show Off

Not all of us are bound by what the world considers “normal.” For those who want something a little more off-the-wall, these unique bongs proudly defy the status quo. 


small bong


Snow Globe Bear Bong‌

For something both cute and unique, the Snow Globe Bear Bong has an adorable white bear figurine inside. At a height of 5.75 inches, this portable bong doubles as a sort of snow globe — covering the bear in smoke to create a stunning winter scene. 


small bongs


Ice Cream Bong

If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll love this Ice Cream Bong. Made from soft silicone, it looks just like your favorite ice cream sundae. To put the cherry on top, it’s a portable 6 inches, and it’s practically indestructible. 


unique bongs


Poisonous Apple Bong‌

Remember when Snow White ate the poison apple? For this bong, the story goes a little differently. The Poisonous Apple Bong takes the design of a classic green apple and gives it a toxic twist. With a 14mm bowl piece, this glass piece comes with a dark and gritty skull design.

Best Bong For Everyday Use

We’ve explored cool bongs, unique bongs, pretty bongs, small bongs, big bongs, and more. But what’s the verdict for the best bong for everyday use? 


pretty bongs


The Double Jellyfish Jam Bong stands at 12 inches, which isn’t too big or too small — it’s just the right size for an everyday smoker. With thick glass and stunning pink or white accents, the jellyfish’s many arms create beautiful bubbles. Not only that, but it offers a super smooth smoke thanks to the insane diffusion from two tree percolators. 

This bong is a must-have for anyone who wants a beautiful bong as well as a powerful smoking experience.

Types of Bongs That Are High Quality

If you want a high quality bong, you can’t just buy any old bong you find online. Nowadays, the market is full of knockoffs and cheap pieces. This doesn’t just affect the appearance and feel of the bong — it can impact your smoking experience too. 

So what makes a high quality bong? Most top quality bongs will be made of lab-grade borosilicate glass. This kind of glass can resist higher levels of heat, making them more durable for everyday use. 

A high quality bong should also have percolators to help filter the smoke. This can make your smoking experience even smoother.

Finally, you want to consider glass thickness. Not all bongs need to be made of super thick glass, but it’s best to avoid anything too thin. 3.5mm and up in thickness is a good place to start.

The Bottom Line

For the best smoking experience, you don’t want just any old bong. Our curated list of the best bongs on the market has something for everyone — pretty, artistic, minimalist, unique, portable, and perfect for everyday use. 

No matter what type of bong draws your attention, you deserve the highest quality smoke with the highest quality bongs. 

Haven’t found the perfect bong just yet? There's something out there for everyone. Take a look at our shop for even more classic and unique items to add to your collection.
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