The Daily High Club Origin Story - Daily High Club

The Daily High Club Origin Story

Let’s take a trip back in time...

Back in August of 2015 I was working at Vistaprint as a fraud specialist for their website builder.

The work was great, but I honestly yearned for something more. I was looking for a change.

One day, I noticed a massively overpriced smoking subscription box on my Facebook feed, and I thought to myself ...

‘Wow, this is a huge rip-off. I could do this way better, for much cheaper.’

And so, I got started.

The goal? To give people premium smoking supplies, starting at just a dollar.

I threw up a scrappy website, bought $700 worth of materials, and put the idea on Reddit.

Within hours, the post had thousands of upvotes. I had gotten my first few hundred subscribers overnight.

I walked out of my day job the very next day, and Daily High Club was born.

But honestly, it was a rough start.

I had to pack hundreds of boxes by hand in my tiny bedroom (yes, this was as painful as it sounds).

A few months later, the young company outgrew the bedroom and upgraded to the garage. Stuffing thousands of smoking supplies into a sea of boxes.

I was moving on up, or so I thought.

But then one day... everything went to shit. I couldn't believe it.

In the middle of the night, my shoulder socket tore apart. It was the most pain I had ever felt in my life.

It was brutal.

In the midst of trying to get the company off the ground, I had to get shoulder socket reconstruction—a complicated surgery leading to a tube in my neck, pumping in painkillers for a week.

I was screwed. I was at an all-time low, and almost gave up on Daily High Club entirely.

In my moment of weakness, I drafted up an email to the company’s biggest competitor at the time, telling them that I wanted to sell the business. I thought I was done. But... I couldn't bring myself to hit send. This turned out to be the best decision I had ever made in my life.

And that competitor has since gone out of business.

After two long months of therapy, I finally recovered and the team came back with a vengeance.

The team hit the ground running. We found an old bridal warehouse (complete with love quotes on the pink walls) and used old dressing rooms for storage. 

Building relationships with amazing people in the smoking industry (including the legendary B-Real), crafting unique custom glassware, and packing in even more smoking supplies in our boxes.

Over the past three years, Daily High Club has grown from that tiny one-bedroom operation to the thriving company that we are today. And it's all because of you.

Thank you so much for being a part of the DHC family.

I wouldn't be here without your support.


Harry B.

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Congrats on your success ! Don’t rush back to full speed , recovery is most important. If u need an employee when u get 2 Cali hit me up.


Amazing story, I haven’t been a continuous subscriber by any means (actually just had to cancel again after looking at my bills for this next month) but I first heard about you guys from that original Reddit post. Good to see you guys are still going strong in 2018. I’ve had a few changes over the years as well, mostly for the better and I have a new job that I like. Like I said, great story to hear. I should be getting my December box before the day is over… In fact I’m going to go check now, man


Thank you producing amazing boxes and smoking accessories for the people’s daily need. I appreciate it

Greg Trundley

Glad you kept your head up and stay strong I love your boxes

Anthony Rivera

I am honored to be in the dhc family and I am proud to be a supporter

Austin Yager

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